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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Strong Mind, Strong Body Article

The biggest mistake I see people make when trying to get in shape is to start exercising and training their physical body without putting much effort into improving themselves mentally. Yeah sure, they still get results and are on their way to achieving their fitness goal, but they fail to realize that building a strong mind will help them achieve their fitness goals easier and in a shorter period of time. Wouldn't you rather have it easier? I know I would rather be able to achieve my fitness goals easier, and I did . It's a great feeling when you achieve the same results of someone else who works out twice as hard as you do. The key here is to train smart, not hard.
Having a strong mind and believing in mind over matter will take you so much further, that you'll exceed whatever fitness goal you had set for yourself by 10 times!
Now ask yourself this question: do you want to stop and be satisfied when you reach your fitness goal, or would you rather go beyond what you previously thought was possible? The correct answer is obvious and if you chose the first answer than maybe you shouldn't read any further.
This is what I suggest for you to do in order to achieve your fitness goals in a fast, yet realistic time period: Everyday before you train your body, have 10-15 minutes of meditation; concentrate on what you want to look like and what you'll be capable of after you've achieved your fitness goal(s).
And after that, take definitive action by training your body while still in that state of mind. To keep yourself motivated each and every day you train, concentrate on the outcome right before you start training and I guarantee that your performance will boost by over 100%. And when you do reach your fitness goals, don't stop. Make some more goals and achieve them the same way you achieved your first goals.
That's exactly how I first achieved and exceeded my fitness goals. Use this information to your advantage by implementing what I've just said into your training.

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